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The Thomas Principles


The Thomas Principles are a leadership, mentoring, retention and graduation model.  It is based on 25 years of experience and research to improve the success and graduation rates of historically underrepresented college students (i.e., Black/African American, gender, first generation, low income students). The model is grounded in identity development that is significantly associated with five other factors.  While the research started with an ethnic - based focus, it is applicable to diverse populations, fields of study (education, technology, medicine, health) and organizations (see PowerPoint and articles).  


So... what are the Thomas Principles and their origin (click this link to view PowerPoint)?



Articles related to the Thomas Principles 

UNC School of Medicine - Serving the Human First 


Conducting successful pipeline programs (recruitment, retention, graduation, workforce) and securing funding.  

September 2018:  $3.2 Million UMKC School of Medicine Grant: Future for Health Professionals  


Impacting Diversity in Polk County 


Increasing Technical Excellence, Leadership and Commitment of Computing Students through Identity- Based Mentoring


STARS Impact: increasing the number of women and underrepresented students in technology



Mentoring Manual 


Thomas Principles Mentor Mentee Manual Table of Contents (TOC) 









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