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(734) 730-8490
Supporting Leaders with
Developing Their People
"We Listen, We Care, We Empower”
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are your clients?
We serve a variety of industries and companies of all shapes and sizes. But the bottom line is that all of the companies we’ve served have two things in common:
1) the company truly believes that the people are driving the success of the organization; and
2) the company is experiencing some sort of “people pain”—be it attraction, development, recruitment, retention, morale, etc.
How do you deliver your services?
Unlike larger consulting firms where the most experience person sells the project but shifts quickly to the next new prospective client, our chief strategist stays on the job throughout the lifetime of the project. He’ll identify your issues, develop a strategy, and then help you solve the problem. If we don’t have the immediately expertise to deliver a particular component, we have partners who are part of the Human Capital Consulting Partners umbrella that will deliver the same level of value and service.
This sounds like something that only large companies do. Why should I commit the energy to developing a human capital strategy?
If you agree that your people are at the center of your business success, you need a human capital strategy. But this strategy doesn’t have to be huge or cumbersome. It does, however, need to be written for a forward-looking roadmap. If you don’t have this roadmap, sooner or later you’ll become lost and you won’t be able to attract and retain the people you need to succeed. As your company grows, your human capital strategy plan can become more sophisticated.
Are you an HR consultant?
Yes, however, our approach is to focus on the business first and on HR second.
Are you an executive search firm?
No, but we can help you first determine what roles, responsibilities, competencies, and experiences, and compensation package are needed for a position before you begin recruiting. We do have strategic partners who can provide executive search services under our Human Capital Consulting Services umbrella, providing the same level of value and service.
How long does it typically take to develop a human capital strategy?
Depending on the availability of the client, the size of the organization, and the issues involved, the development of a human capital strategy typically takes four to six months.
Should I have a performance appraisal system? How formal should it be?
Yes, but you need to remember that the most important aspect of a performance management system is the communication and dialogue between the employee and the immediate supervisor. To ensure that everyone knows the expectations of the job, it is important to have communication at least once a year regarding performance. It can be formal with forms, a formal process, and rating scales (we can help you develop this process and system) but at the very least there needs to be two-way communication and some process in place to review employees’ performance annually. This will help you determine individual training needs, salary needs, and promotability.
Is leadership development only for the fast-track executive types?
No, development is for everyone regardless of the level of each individual—whether a mail clerk, a data entry clerk, a sales rep, or a senior officer. It is important for companies to focus on how they develop their employees and how do they coach and mentor them in a way that makes them better employees and better contributors to the success of the organization.
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